Chaque jour, nous vous offrons des logiciels sous licence GRATUITS que vous devriez autrement payer!
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Consulter le widget ci-dessous pour la liste des gagnants.
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Adguard est le meilleur moyen pour se débarrasser des annonces ennuyeuses, le suivi en ligne et de protéger votre ordinateur contre les logiciels malveillants!
Pourquoi installer Adguard:
N.B.Les gagnants recevront les licences d'un an d'Adguard Standard 6.1.
Le programme coûte $19.95 normalement, mais le gagnant le recevra gratuitement.
PLEASE GOTD. Could you tell us in your mailshot when something is a genuine giveaway and when it is a lottery for 100 or so licences? It wouldn't cost you anything - not even time - but it would save people like me (of which there must be thousands) who are NOT interested in entering a lottery from wasting their time following your link.
I've been disappointed this way MANY times. It's not kind, and it's not polite, and it doesn't enhance your reputation.
I heartily agree! There's nothing wrong with a "lottery" as you describe it. But it's only fair to tell us. I was keen to download Adguard, as I guess you were.
I feel I've been tricked, too.
GOTD, please play fair.
For those of US who actually want to BUY Adguard for Windows:
Question: Do you offer any discount coupons to buy a home use pack/enough for 4 or 5 home use computers?
I think I'd rather pay than jump through all those hoops. I'll download and try the trial and hope it's not crippled - at least for a brief period - so I can evaluate. I'll come back to comment asap.
Le top du top pour moi
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Adguard est à mon sens meilleur que AdBlock Plus
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super logiciel, à avoir absolument.
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pratique ,utile , l avoir sous la mains n est pas inutile
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je l'ai testé,une vrai bombe.Pour moi c'est le top.Ne pas hésiter à l'utilise.Je l'aime Merci
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