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AllMyNotes Organizer Deluxe 2.83 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — AllMyNotes Organizer Deluxe 2.83

AllMyNotes Organizer is designed to keep huge amount of random information, it helps to save it in flexible hierarchy, restrict access to it with a password, and comfortably navigate and search in all your records.
$34.00 EXPIRÉ
Note des utilisateurs: 315 0 commentaires

L'offre gratuite du jour pour AllMyNotes Organizer Deluxe 2.83 était valable le 26 juin 2015!

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AllMyNotes Organizer est conçu pour : conserver de grands volumes d'informations aléatoires et les classer ; enregistrer ces données selon une hiérarchie flexible ; restreindre l'accès aux renseignements sensibles avec un mot de passe ; et le plus important - naviguer et rechercher instantanément dans vos archives. AllMyNotes offre un concept de gestion de données alternatif et beau. Ce programme vous propose quelques outils simples (notes, tableur, alarmes, cases à cocher, etc.) qui vous permettent d'organiser vos informations exactement de la manière dont vous le souhaitez ! Plus de limites, plus de champs définis de manière stricte, pensez simplement au concept et commencez à organiser vos informations brique par brique.

Fonctionnalités clés :

  • Organisation hiérarchique de vos informations courantes (arbre à forme libre) ;
  • Recherche globale en temps réel très rapide ;
  • Format de stockage de données de pointe (prise en charge des fichiers 4 Go et des algorithmes de cryptage de données de 1800 bits) ,
  • Alarmes (peut être insérée à n'importe quelle position dans le texte) ;
  • Pièces jointes (avec aperçu des images) ;
  • Tableur (y compris une fonction de tri) ;
  • Utilitaire intégré de génération de mots de passe renforcés ;
  • Capture des données rapide (via l'icône barre système) ;
  • Sauvegardes automatiques (historique) ;
  • Fonction d'import/export de/vers (html, rtf, knt, txt, gif, png, bmp, jpeg, et autres) ;
  • Nombreux habillages.

Ne ratez pas nos offres exclusives : achetez des mises à jour, bénéficiez d'un support technique prioritaire et débloquez l'usage commercial de votre logiciel en profitant d'uneréduction de -71 % pendant la période Giveaway !

Configuration minimale:

Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8 (including Server versions); 50 MB of free disk space


Vladonai Software

Page web:

Taille du fichier:

12 MB



Commentaires sur AllMyNotes Organizer Deluxe 2.83

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Top commentaires en anglais

Installed and registered without problems on a Win 8.1.3 Pro 64 bit system. A clean install. The software comes preregistered.

A Ukranian family business with address, phone a a picture:
About Vladonai Software

Our main priority - bright, simple to use, and functional software for everyday needs. And, which is most importantly, our software is created with love - we love to do software, and you can be sure that we are aiming software created by us to satisfy all your needs.

We had several versions of the software, the last time AllMyNotes Organizer Deluxe 2.80 one year ago. Here are the old reviews:

I just installed to see, whether something important for me has changed. It has not...

I repeat from my previous comment:
"his software is portable, too – like the previous version. That’s good. Just copy the programs directory to your USB stick.

A well designed software, the long evolution is visible – in a “mature” state of development…

A good notekeeper. But compared to Evernote. A big BUT!

In today’s time, it is missing the synchronization. For me crucial. Synchronization of notes with my other computers, synchronization with a calender. It is and remains an isolated stand alone product. Perfect for those, who just want this. For the others Evernote is the better alternative.

If you have security issues and questions: This is really the better alternative to Evernote! In this case…

A good and reliable software. If you want keep your notes privately, with encryption and far away from the I-net, take this.

I continue to use Evernote…

Thanks GOATD and the Frytskyy family.

Uninstalled via reboot - it IS a good software...

Karl  –  9 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+151)

I have tried AllMyNotes before & it is a very nice program that didn't take long to figure out. It was actually my go to note/organizer until Microsoft started giving away OneNote2013 for free. Pared OneNote with OneDrive & you have a wonderful note, organizer, screenshot capturing with file syncing tool.

I would suggest if you need or think you might need an note organizer, you give both programs a try and see which is more intuitive. No one software solution is perfect for everyone so why not try both when they are free?

bunnyb0y  –  9 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+73)

Just got and istalled the same version few weeks ago from another giveaway promotion. Have been using it since version 2.79 and It is a superb combination of note , pim and reminder. Very intuitive GUI with changeble skins, Easily configurable, User friendly , straightforward and very much self-explanatory program which one must keep for organising all his/her notes in well structured manners . Backup of database is also possible. Also it is able to import *.rtf , *.txt , *.html , *csv etc files .

Some Freeware Note and Information Manager Programs with reminder-

*Efficient Man's Organizer Free -

* WinPIM Free - (Softpedia Editor's Pick)

* EfficientPIM Free (Portable) - /freeedition.htm

*EssentialPIM Free - /pc-version

*Efficient Sticky Notes- http://www.efficientstickynotes .com/freeedition.htm

*Stickies - k/stickies/

Jahid  –  9 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+123)

Thank you Jahid for stepping up and replacing the "hole" that Giovanni left. I hope Giovanni is safe and well, but I welcome you and look forward to your posts each day. I am sure others will agree.

David Roper  –  9 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+90)

Downloaded and installed on my Windows 7 x64 partition no problem.

I have never used a program like this before, and I must say very impressed indeed. I confess to being a security freak, having in my working life investigated fraud on mainframes as part of my job, I tend to be a bit paranoid, so Karl's comment about "If you have security issues and questions", describes me perfectly ;0)

It does everything I could want at this moment, and seems very easy to navigate, and I like the idea of being able to add color to my notes to help identify them easier. It will take a little time to get it all set up with my masses of data, but looks very easy to maintain.
There is a beta 3.11 out, which I will try, as this appears to have data synchronization in it, or at least it is planned.
I have taken advantage of the special 71% off for GOTD members, mainly because good software like this needs supporting, so for less than £8 UK pounds, (including VAT?), I think it is a snip.
Many thanks GOATD and Vladonai

Brian  –  9 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+48)

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