Chaque jour, nous vous offrons des logiciels sous licence GRATUITS que vous devriez autrement payer!
L'offre gratuite du jour pour AV Music Morpher 4.0 était valable le 6 juillet 2010!
Cet éditeur vidéo maison tout-en-un complète votre centre de divertissement maison et vous inspire à créer vos propres films, doubler votre propre voix et graver vos propres DVD.
Vous pouvez regarder, transformer, graver, convertir et capturer des films pour votre divertissement personnel ou pour partager; vous pouvez aussi utiliser les mêmes fonctionnalités pour produire des vidéos et présentations d'affaires.
Windows XP/Vista/7 (32 bit)
6.71 MB
$ 29.95
AV Webcam Morpher est un logiciel amusant qui permet aux utilisateurs d'être créatifs dans leurs activités en ligne en altérant et en contrôlant leur sortie webcam en temps réel. Même pas besoin d'avoir une webcam; le programme simulera une diffusion webcam avec les pseudo-visages. 50% de RABAIS pour les utilisateurs de GAOTD!
AV Video Karaoke Maker est un créateur karaoké qui vous permet d'ajouter de la musique et des paroles à un vidéo, et de les synchroniser pour rapidement faire un vidéo karaoké. Il prend en charge une panoplie de formats d'entrée vidéo, audio et image, et peut en faire autant avec la sortie. Il contient aussi un graphique d'onde pour l'édition karaoké. Obtenez-le GRATUITEMENT!
Just a heads up guys 'n' gals. Pay a visit to the publishers website first. You may be interested to read that included in their install of this software is another helpful 'toolbar' called Dealio. I'm sure there will be an option to not install it (should be!) but just be warned. We all need more of those toolbars (or nuisanceware as I call em!) don't we? ;)
Thanks anyway as usual to GAOTD for giving us the opportunity to try these proggy's. For my own personal gratification: When are you gonna run Videoget (from Nuclear Coffee) again? Pleeeeeease! :)
Regards to all.
Looked interesting to amateur musician and a change from the "convert video formats" offerings.
So I downloaded, installed and activated (a bit fiddly) on XP32: all went OK. BUT no sounds.
Hardware spec says that Soundblaster compatible card is needed, which I don't have. Pity this isn't made clear in the blurb encouraging you to download. Software requirements don't include Vista of Win 7.
Will uninstall if there's no workaround for non-Soundblaster set-ups. I reckon any half-serious computer music set up uses more advanced audio than Soundblaster.
Too bad there is no supporting a x64 windows 7 OS.
The system requirements state "Windows XP/Vista/7 (32 bit)" and yet it failed to load up beyond the splash screen on my Windows 7 32 bit.
I could see in the process list that it was running both the main program .exe and another called DXEffectTester. Changed both of these to Windows XP compatibility mode but the program still hung on startup. Uninstalled the software as it failed to get beyond the splash screen.
It was a good thing I didn't provide my correct email address - due to a typo - for the activation code, as this shows up on screen after activation so I've no idea if it gets mailed to you, but with a previous poster stating that Dealio might get installed with the software I'm more than happy to have not provided my correct email address to the company.
# 11. judydog
The registration form is right below the 50% offer even in Firefox. I am using Firefix and had no problem at all, just scroll down the page a bit.
There is NO toolbar included in the installation as mentioned by #8 PhsycroniX.
Btw, Avira and maybe some other antivrus tools flag the Updatemgr.dll as virus which I am sure is a false positive. Anyone having problems with not finding dlls see if your virusscanner might have disabled it.
I have included the dll in Avira's not-to-check exception list.
Wow! I LOVE this program! Installed and registered fine on Win XP Sp3 and runs like a charm. It has a neat and nice GUI and lots of functions, tons of effects. For anyone who loves to work with sound files, its a real fun to play with. Though the GUI needs getting used to at first. On the bottom in the middle is a small list with program options "Morpher, Advanced Morpher, Editor, Burner, Grabber, etc. which is small enough not to see right in the beginning that its a clickable list to select the desired function /window. Could be a bit bigger and clearer.
Also, if Morpher is selected, you can only chose from the single effects while special effects etc. are greyed out. To use those, Advanced Morpher must be selected.
Besides applying effects for background, voice etc., files can also be converted. An audio grabber for CD is included, even a cover designer and finally a burning function, so one only needs one program running.
The only thing that is a bit unconvenient is, if you open a music file say in the Morpher window and wish to go to Advanced Morpher mode to apply special effects, you have to open the file again, since it does not get turned over to other windows but only appears in that mode where it was first opened.
Other than that - a wonderful piece of software and a keeper. Both thumbs up and thank you to GAOTD and AVnex!
Aucun logiciel de ce fabricant ne fonctionne correctement, le développement est bâclé et effectivement un malware est présent sur le soft.
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Bonjour !
- Avec GOTD jamais de malwares, trojans, virus etc.....
- Ce sont toujours des faux positifs, de votre antivirus !
Ce n'est pas moi, qui le dit:
-Ce sont l'administrateur, et les modérateurs de ce site qui
l'affirment .
Avec quoi, contrôlent-ils, alors, ici un grand mystère !
- Certainement des trucs gratuits, connaissant l'équipe .........
Faites un petit tour dans le forum >
Review Trojan/Virus Reports - Rapports d'examen de Trojan / Virus
ça donne plutôt dans le comique, surtout les réponses de bubby !
C'est comme disait ma maman :
GOTD c'est comme quand on ouvre une boite de chocolats, on ne sait
jamais sur quoi, on va tomber !
Mais le plus important, hormis la bagarre d'antivirus, quand quelque
chose de louche est proposé, renseignez-vous avant de télécharger !
Je n'aime pas du tout un logiciel mal "pondu" ouvert à n'importe
quel type de faille, et de violation de la vie privée.
C'est pourquoi la première règle soyez vigilant !
Et dans le doute abstenez-vous . ( surtout les débutants ), un testeur
s'en sortira toujours .....
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Begin scan in 'C:\Program Files\AV Music Morpher'
C:\Program Files\AV Music Morpher\UpdateMgr.dll
[DETECTION] Contains HEUR/Malware suspicious code
[NOTE] The detection was classified as suspicious.
[NOTE] A backup was created as '4fa6d66d.qua' ( QUARANTINE )
[WARNING] The file was ignored!
End of the scan: mardi 6 juillet 2010 20:39
Used time: 01:54 Minute(s)
The scan has been done completely.
19 Scanned directories
477 Files were scanned
0 Viruses and/or unwanted programs were found
1 Files were classified as suspicious
0 files were deleted
0 Viruses and unwanted programs were repaired
1 Files were moved to quarantine
0 Files were renamed
0 Files cannot be scanned
476 Files not concerned
3 Archives were scanned
1 Warnings
1 Notes
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Attention mon antivirus signal un fichier infecté ,"Updatemgr.dll"
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Avira détecte un problème dans UpdateMgr.dll (HEUR/Malware)
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It works really nice. Awesome for making soundtrack effects (with just your voice) in video editing. The multi-track editor is working fine. All the package is user friendly. Simple (yet rich in contents) and functional. Thanks for this GAOTD.
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