Chaque jour, nous vous offrons des logiciels sous licence GRATUITS que vous devriez autrement payer!
L'offre gratuite du jour pour DUMo 2.0 était valable le 17 août 2015!
Dumo est un gestionnaire de mises à jour pratique qui vous permet de conserver un PC actualisé et sûr. Ce programme fait appel aux dernières versions de pilotes requises selon votre version de Windows et détecte automatiquement le matériel installé.
Dumo signifie Drivers Update Monitor (gestionnaire des mises à jour des pilotes) et vous permet de numériser automatiquement le système hôte et d'identifier l'ensemble des pilotes installés.
Windows XP/ Vista/ 7/ 8
8.6 MB
IDPhotoStudio est à la fois un duplicateur et une imprimante d'identifiants de photos convivial.
KCleaner est conçu pour être le plus efficace des nettoyeurs de disque dur, recherchant le moindre octet le plus inutile afin de vous donner l'ensemble des ressources dont vous pouvez avoir besoin pour vos documents, votre musique, vos images, vos films, etc.
VideoInspector est un outil conçu pour vous fournir autant d'informations que possible concernant les fichiers vidéo. Grâce à VideoInspector, vous connaîtrez la raison pour laquelle vos fichiers vidéo ne présentent aucun son ou refusent de lire correctement.
Zer0 est un outil de suppression convivial présentant un niveau de sécurité élevé. Grâce à ZerO, vous serez en mesure de supprimer des fichiers et d'éviter leur restauration par une tierce personne. Jusqu'à présent, aucun utilisateur n'a signalé une méthode efficace pour restaurer un fichier supprimé par ZerO.
Alway's create a restore point before updating drivers (just in case it all goes pear-shaped) ;) and remember, new is not always better.
I wouldn't recommend third party driver update managers. Windows always will inform you if there is a real crucial problem with your installed hardware. If Windows can't find a driver, most likely there is a reason for it (say, unstable, incompatible etc.) and no third party "driver manager" will get a proper solution. On old systems it might work with a low chance of success, think OEM Windows 98 or XP with strange GPU drivers that you never have heard about, likewise some odd audio boards from Taiwan. Also, for the latest systems running Windows 7/8/10 all hardware that can run Windows 10 there will be drivers on Windows update - that is, all hardware vendors register their drivers with Microsoft to avoid exactly the problem which today's giveaway is trying to "fix" for you where nothing is to fix. Anything else, follow the golden rule "if it aint broken don't try to fix it".
I am sorry to inform those 'relying on Windows Update' to update drivers you are MISTAKEN. This answer you provided is believing "I bought this new door lock and it will make sure my house will NEVER be broken into" but how easy is it to just break and window and climb in and out? VERY, because your putting your absolute faith in the wrong place. How can I say that? I am not only certified by Microsoft, but have been fixing computers since 1990 professional through ALL iterations of OS issued by Microsoft to date inclusive of prereleased and final RTM editions of Windows 10.
Microsoft's Windows Update ONLY AND SOLELY CONTAINS MICROSOFT (WHQL) APPROVED drivers, that have been engineered to MICROSOFT'S requirements, NOT the HARDWARE / HARDWARE MAKER'S specifications. Like Apple did with it's OS, this is a nice concept (as noted) to ensure clean and compatible drivers are ONLY installed, but NOT ALL HARDWARE MAKERS (as said the normal 'cheap' Asian made ones you NORMALLY buy) have the HEAVY cost nor time (delay to market missing optimal product to sales ratios) to make specifically to WHQL which ALSO DROPS ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND OPTIONS normally integrated to 'improve' the product and 'separate it' from competitors.
Hardware drivers HAVE BEEN always found on HARDWARE maker's websites NOT SOFTWARE MAKERS (Microsoft), with the LATEST improvements to optimize, and most of all 'correct' even ISSUES MICROSOFT CAUSES. Case in point just Google Windows 10 Nvidia and you see how MICRSOFT'S WHQL W10 drivers were being forced onto Nvidia owners which resulted in those with DUAL CARDS having ONE TURNED OFF among other issues, even when they tried to UPDATE from Nvidia directly, Windows UPDATE would FORCE it to roll back to the WHQL.
I personally have been using SlimDrivers for a number of years without a problem (though I am reading issues here on how this GAOTD works?) because I don't really have time to go to the Video Driver, Chipset Driver, Audio Driver, Keyboard driver, Mouse Driver, RAM I/O Driver, WIFI Driver, NIC Driver, Additional / Multimedia Keys Driver, etc. etc. etc. Hardware maker then 'drill down' trying to find MY specific model (great tool to tell you each piece of hardware? SPECCY ) and for the average Joe/Jane IHavenoclueWHATaDriveris User, I certainly do not expect them to even try as this is all 'too technical' without some tool like SlimDrivers or today's GAOTD.
Still for the naysayers I will give you a challenge; Go ahead and download SlimDrivers and run it (which by the way downloads / links to the Original Hardware Maker's website not third parties to download the drivers) and see what 'version' of driver your 'Windows Update' is running as compared to what it finds. Now go to the Hardware Maker's website and look up that driver yourself for that version (simple Google it is faster to pull it from the HW Maker's website) and look at the CHANGELOG. Does your precious Windows Update really fix ALL the issues AS CITED in the Changelog of the driver? NO, only the HW Maker on their own website is keeping up with that issue.
I try to understand - after apps check my components and display drivers updated or not, i have option to download updated drivers from kcsoftwares webpage. Here, between many adds, i have found a blue button with Download text on him. Unfortunately not functional. I try this program before to buy, good intention, bad implementation...
Ne s’installe pas ( failed to launch programm )
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OK, je vais prévenir GoveAwayOfTheDay
Capal : pour AVAST, prendre l'installeur "Lite" de mon site, qui ne propose pas de sponsor.
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Problème idem à Balkany; solution identique et tout fonctionne bien.
Pour le développeur: Avast détect sur Dumo.exe pris sur votre site (infection: NSIS:Relevant-I PUP)
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En fait j'ai résolu le problème en allant directement télécharger sur le site de l'éditeur et en utilisant après une installation qui s'est parfaitement déroulée le code fourni par Giveaway of the Day.
C'est donc la version de Giveaway of the Day qui a ( tout au moins chez moi )un bug.
Note pour le développeur: Super réactivité ! Bravo et merci !!!!
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Pouvez-vous me contacter si ce problème survient ? (je suis le développeur)
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Ne s'installe pas ( failed to launch programm ). Changement de mode de compatibilité, lancer comme administrateur, re-téléchargé et re-décompressé, rien n'y fait.....poubelle !
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