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EASEUS Partition Master Professional Edition 6.1.1 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — EASEUS Partition Master Professional Edition 6.1.1

EASEUS Partition Master Professional Edition est une solution de partitionnement tout-en-un et un utilitaire de gestion des disques.
$39.95 EXPIRÉ
Note des utilisateurs: 651 5 commentaires

L'offre gratuite du jour pour EASEUS Partition Master Professional Edition 6.1.1 était valable le 2 septembre 2010!

Offre gratuite du jour
GRATUIT aujourd’hui
Control remote desktop or laptop from any device and anywhere!

EASEUS Partition Master Professional Edition est une solution de partitionnement tout-en-un et un utilitaire de gestion des disques. Il vous permet d'étendre des partitions, même pour les lecteurs système, de régler les problèmes d'espace disque faible, de gérer l'espace disque facilement sur le disque MBR et GUID partition table (GPT) sous Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ Windows 7 (x32 et x64).

Les fonction de gestion des disques les plus populaires sont rassemblées incluant: Partition Manager, Disk & Partition Copy Wizard et Partition Recovery Wizard. De plus, vous pouvez créer des CD/DVD démarrables en cas de défaillance au démarrage.

Avantages principaux

  • Nouveau: Prise en charge de volumes GPT - partionnement, copie disque, restauration, etc.
  • Convertissez facilement les disques dynamiques en disques de base tout en protégeant vos données
  • Étendez la partition système pour maximiser la performance du PC.
  • Utilitaire de gestion des partitions pour une meilleure gestion du disque dur et la maximisation de la performance du PC.
  • Assistant de restauration des partitions pour restaurer vos données.
  • Assistant copie de données pour migrer un disque dur entier sans réinstallation Windows

Configuration minimale:

Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7 (x32 and x64); Windows Server 2000/ 2003/ 2008


CHENGDU YIWO Tech Development

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40.3 MB



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Commentaires sur EASEUS Partition Master Professional Edition 6.1.1

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Ben oui! Je l'ai manqué celui-là... Pourtant, je viens voir tous les jours (ou presque). J'ai quand même la 6.0.1 qui avait été offert il y a quelques mois seulement. Je vais redoubler d'attention à l'avenir.

Réponse   |   Sergio  –  14 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (0)

Pas trop de commentaires, c'est peut être aussi parce que ca n'intéresse pas forcément beaucoup de monde.
Personnellement, je dois faire une réinstallation tous les 3 à 4 ans, guère plus souvent, donc je partitionne mon disque à ce moment là, Admettons que je mette un DD neuf en route entre temps que je partitionne aussi. Bilan , un programme juste pour m'en servir une fois tous les deux ans ? Je ne vois pas l'intérêt de me précipiter systématiquement sur ce genre de soft.

Réponse   |   Guido  –  14 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (0)

Pourquoi diminuez-vous votre langue ainsi, en la qualifiant de patois fokturgard.
Il n'y a aucune langue et encore moins aucune culture de la planète qui mérite d'être diminué ainsi ou qui doit être considérer supérieure aux autres.
Sur cette terre et plus que jamais à l'heure de l'intelligence artificiel, il y a de la place pour tous, pour toutes les différences.
Ne soyez pas aussi tapis!
Peut-être êtes-vous ainsi parce que justement vous vous fiez trop à l'intelligence artificiel alors que derrière elle et en tout temps il doit primer l'intelligence humaine? Ou encore, n'avez-vous plus rien d'humain, la machine a-t-elle pris votre contrôle....????

Réponse   |   Jacques Langlois  –  14 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (0)

minuit passé et aucun commentaire n'a passé la modécensure.
pourtant ce soft est de qualité et revient assez regulierement.
décidement plus on cherche à comprendre le foctionnement de GAOTD ... moins c'est clair me contentant de notre patois de français je ne peux voir ce qu'il en est des versions anglaises ou allemandes , reste a esperer qu'ils sont mieux lotis que nous autre des tribus reculées.
bref meme s'il n'est pas francisé, le soft est tres intuitif et n'a rien à envier à celui de mr northon. Si vous l'avez raté patience nul doute qu'il reviendra sinon guetter le passage de son equivalent edité par parangon

Réponse   |   fokturgard  –  14 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (0)

EASEUS, enfin un produit qui est de très bonne qualité proposé par GAOD, ne pas oublier quand vous partitionné un disque avec des datas de faire un backup et de défragmenter votre disque avant de l'exécuter
Bonne journée a tous

Réponse   |   Titi  –  14 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (0)
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Top commentaires en anglais

The Good
* Straightforward and fairly easy to use.
* Has the typical partition management tools (resize, format, delete).
* You can change the letter and name of a partition.
* You can copy a whole hard drive or partition.
* Supports hardware RAID.
* Supports MBR and GPT volumes.
* Works on hard disks of upto 2 TB in size.
* You can hide/unhide partitions.
* Has some "error checking" features.
* Has the ability to copy dynamic disks.
* Has the ability to recover deleted/lost partitions.
* Has the ability to defrag disks.
* Has the abilty to "rebuild MBR".
* Has the ability to securely delete/wipe hard drives.
* You can create a bootable disk.
* You can password protect the program.

The Bad
* Only supports Windows based partition formats (FAT, FAT32, NTFS) - no Linux or Mac.
* The defrag feature does not allow the user to view any sort of "analysis" before conducting the actual defrag.
* Users can only securely wipe whole hard drives - can't chose to wipe individual partitions.
* Lacks the ability to create a bootable USB/flash drive.
* Bootable CD/DVD cannot support hardware RAID, GPT disk and cannot resize Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 system partition.
* Deleted/lost file recovery feature are no longer available (it was available in previous versions - they have been replaced with enhanced partition recovery features).
* The program window always opens up fully maximized.

Free Alternatives
Paragon Partition Manager Free Edition
Partition Wizard
EASEUS Partiton Master Home Edition

For final verdict, recommendations, and full review please click here.

Ashraf  –  14 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+145)

Comment by Karl @ ~13 - "Does anyone know if this Partition Master can delete the “HP Recovery Partition” drive D:\ from the older Windows XP sp3 OS without formatting the COMPLETE hard drive?"

Hi Folks

Karl - In a nutshell - YES. Your question actually answers itself - NO - don't worry - I'm not being smart - In order to FORMAT the ENTIRE drive - you would first have to DELETE BOTH Partions & create 1 FULL SIZE Partition instead OR Delete Drive D: & Expand Drive C to fill the drive space left by D:\ . . . [[ I hope I made sense there :o) ]]
In other words - if you have 2 wooden boxes - C & D - in order for you to cover the space below the 2 boxes with 1 box - either BOTH must be destroyed & replaced with 1 full size box OR the second destroyed & the first extended out to cover where D used to be !
This is also true for backup drives which are hidden from windows all together ! - You may find you have a 3rd partition which would be Drive E: IF it were visible to windows - BUT even though it can't be seen - it still occupies drive space !

These hidden drives CAN BE SEEN by this software & so can therefor be UN-Hidden / Deleted / Moved etc. BUT be aware - these partitions are put there by the manufacturer & deliberately hidden so you DON'T KNOW they exist - for a reason !!! Usually on Laptops these days - most manufacturers try to save money by either making a single multi-language Recovery-Install DVD ( where all data is usually encrypted etc. & no file names - only numbers - in the case of Packard Bell ) OR they will NOT supply a Recovery-Install disk & instead - at first boot on the new machine - YOU the user are required to create the recovery DVD !

Either way - the size of Windows & ALL the bundled software etc. would never fit on 1 or even 2 DVD's these days - even compressed - so instead they HIDE THE BULK of the software installs etc. in the hidden partition - the DVD merely acts as the primary source & the key to unlock the Hidden installs - meaning - NO key DVD - NO ACCESS to the installs !!!

IF you DO have the DVD - I'd think twice or more before touching this partition as you may need it in future.
ie - after a full system faliure / or because you intend to sell the Laptop & return it to it's NEW state !
If ... on the other hand - you have NO DVD - OR you are sure you will never want to "return to new" the hidden partition is pretty much wasting valuable disk space !


I've personally been building PC's / Hard Drives etc. for around 15 years now & a method I developed early on & has served meperfectly ever since is that I typically set ALL PC Hard Drives up as C: / D: / E: / F: / G: & H:
C: Boot Data ( 100mb )
D: Environment - XP / Seven
E: FallBack - Usually XP BUT in the past I've used 2000 - whatever the customer owns. Even Win 98 would work BUT it ould need updating with addons in order to read larger drives & those with NTFS File systems etc.
F: Programs - This is where Office & AutoRoute / Encarta etc. & ALL the GOTD Downloads are installed to . . . NOT Windows Drive\Program Files !!!!
G: Media Drive - All scans / photos / Films / Music etc - NOT in Windows \ Documents !
H: Virtual DVD - Stores setups / drivers & Backups etc.
& if the Hard Disk is BIG enough - drive I: purely for Backup !
WHY bother going to all this trouble ? Well - having learned from WAY to Many instances where a Windows crash has left everything LOST ! - yes there are softwares to get stuff back - BUT this way - if Windows crashes - load up the FallBack Windows - MOVE everything you need off the Main Windows Drive & Restore it - NO DRAMA !
PLUS - the only way to lose absolutely everything as with a single Drive C: is if the MBR ( Master Boot Record ) - the Index for the entire Hard Disk is damaged - & even then - There are 2 MBRs ( 1 as backup ).

This also DRAMATICALLY cuts the time of Defrags etc.& you can backup the stuff you need to - individually & quicker - AWAY from the Windows Drive.

I appreciate that this system is not for everyone - companies would NEVER do this - 'cos it's way to much work for them to bother with ! I've set up more than 200 systems this way & NOT ONE complaint - in fact in a few cases of Virus or system crash - it's proved a God-Send !
IF Poss - I do try to put the FallBack Windows on a second HDD even if it's only 3Gig in size - it's only there as a last resort !

As for Easeus PM - I used to use PowerQuest / Symantec Partition Magic - it was brilliant BUT as soon as I tried Easeus PM when it was given away here last year - I swapped to it FOR GOOD -- it is excellent. I wish I'd had it years ago. The list of Pros in Ashraf's post says it all ! I've found it streets ahead of others I've tried including Parttion Magic. Paragon is good BUT I prefer Easeus - it's much more No-Nonsense. It does what it's supposed to - WELL !

I hope this 6 page essay :o) . . . ( sorry about that ) was useful to some of you.
I know Bubby / Fubar & Mike will know way more than I can tell you BUT I'm just going on my experience & what's worked for me & my customers for 15 years !
Happy Partitioning !!!

Cheers for now
- - Mike - -
( Macs-PC )

Macs-PC  –  14 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+61)

Very nice software, I didn't see a change log for EASEUS Partition Master 6.1.1 Pro vs. version 6.0.1 that was last on GOTD... one change I did see was Partition Recovery seems to be better integrated into Partition Master itself, getting rid of the drw sub-folder that held the separate app. The .ISO image used to burn a bootable CD is in the bin sub-folder in case anyone has problems with the EASEUS Bootable Media Builder, or would just rather use another burning app [there's a new version of the free ImgBurn out BTW]. There's a comparison chart showing the differences between the Partition Master Home (free), Pro, Server, Unlimited, & Tech editions, but in a nutshell you get 64 bit support & the bootable CD moving from the free, Home Edition to Pro. []

I use both Paragon's Partition Mgr & EASEUS Partition Master depending on the results I'm after -- I haven't seen a difference modifying or creating partitions, but when you do something like a partition copy, Paragon's apps tend to *fix* things, for example if/when you copy a system partition the Paragon app might set Windows to boot from that new partition, which I don't always want. EASEUS has a more down-to-business approach & GUI (which you may prefer, or not). Paragon has a better setup for creating bootable media, since it handles USB sticks as well as CDs [BTW I've had decent luck creating bootable USB sticks, substituting alternative boot CD images for whatever Paragon ISO comes with whatever Paragon app] -- however making the USB stick bootable can be done better using other apps/methods IMHO, making it more a convenience than a must-have.

EASEUS Partition Master comes with a pdf manual that explains a lot about partitions & why you might want to work with them. It used to be adding partitions to a hard drive was mainly so you could add another OS you could boot into, but with current drives between 1 & 2 TB, it's almost a necessity for maintenance as well as helpful for organization -- I'd much rather do a format or check the surface of a 100-200GB partition than I would a complete 2TB hard drive, & by keeping Windows & software on 1 partition, stored files on another [i.e. images, video etc], defragging the system drive is Much faster & more practical. That said, where you might have added a partition for better file/archive organization, with 7 you can sometimes substitute an easier to manage VHD [Virtual Hard Drive/Disk] [you can do it in XP as well -- it's just not built-in]. FWIW, while it's faster to just copy the file making up a VHD, EASEUS Partition Master Pro will copy the partitions inside a virtual disk just fine, along with AFAIK everything else it'll do on a real drive. Copying partitions can be handy for example when you're moving contents between VBox, VMWare, & Microsoft (or other brands of) virtual drives, while resizing their partition may be necessary if/when you want to move a virtual machine to Microsoft or Windows Virtual PC, which severely restricts VHD size.

All in all a Keeper in my book if you've got the disk space, i.e. aren't on a netbook or notebook with very limited storage.

mike  –  14 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+20)

Comment by Francis @ No.18 said "Please help this newbie.

I am looking for a GiveawayoftheDay app, or freeware, which will allow me to create/store on a DVD (or flash drives) all that is currently on my hard drive, so that if the hard drive should fail, I could just pluck in the DVDs (or flash drive) and with a few mouse clicks restore precisely what was originally on the hard drive before it failed.

Will the discs created by Easeus Partition Master help in this regard, or do I need something else?

Thank you."

Hi Farncis Easeus Partition Manager is for copying a Hard Drive to Another Hard Drive OR Hard Drive Manipulation !

You require "EASEUS Todo Backup" which is linked at the top of this page to Backup & Restore your data to Optical Disc or USB Stick.
& the good news is it's FREE - ALWAYS !!!


Hope This Helps :o)

Cheers for now
- - Mike - -
( Macs-PC )

Macs-PC  –  14 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+19)

V6.1.1 can do partition recovery (recover deleted or lost partitions) instead of V6.0.1 data recovery by Partition Recovery Wizard module of EASEUS Partition Master.

charles  –  14 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+18)

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