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L'offre gratuite du jour pour MyLanViewer Network/IP Scanner 4.21.0 était valable le 8 juin 2020!
MyLanViewer Network / IP Scanner est un puissant scanner d'adresses IP Netbios et LAN / Network pour Windows, outil whois et traceroute, arrêt à distance et gestionnaire Wake On LAN (WOL), scanner et moniteur de réseau sans fil.
Cette application vous aidera à trouver toutes les adresses IP, adresses MAC et dossiers partagés d'ordinateurs sur votre réseau filaire ou sans fil (Wi-Fi).
Le programme analyse le réseau et affiche les ordinateurs de votre réseau dans une fenêtre de type liste d'amis facile à lire qui fournit le nom de l'ordinateur, l'adresse IP, l'adresse MAC, le fournisseur de carte réseau, la version du système d'exploitation, les utilisateurs connectés, les dossiers partagés et d'autres détails techniques pour chaque ordinateur . Le scanner réseau / IP MyLanViewer prend en charge l'arrêt à distance, le réveil sur réseau local, le verrouillage du poste de travail, la déconnexion, la mise en veille, la mise en veille prolongée, le redémarrage et la mise hors tension. Il est capable de surveiller l'adresse IP et d'afficher des notifications lorsque l'état de certains ordinateurs change.
MyLanViewer Network / IP Scanner peut également afficher et accéder aux dossiers partagés, mettre fin aux sessions utilisateur, désactiver les dossiers partagés, afficher les informations netstat et détecter les serveurs DHCP non autorisés. Le logiciel peut surveiller tous les appareils (même cachés) de votre sous-réseau et afficher des notifications lorsque les nouveaux appareils seront trouvés (par exemple, pour savoir qui est connecté à votre routeur WiFi ou réseau sans fil).
Le programme est facile à installer et à utiliser et possède une interface conviviale et magnifique.
Windows XP/ 7/ 8/ 10 (x32/x64)
5.8 MB
À vie, aucune mise à jour
Why is there no archive for Windows x32?
Why do you decide for people what to download, a person must choose!
Works great and, after enabling the optional event "sounds", I became aware that my cell phone WiFi was off-again/on-again (door-closing/opening sounds, as in an online chat room).
However, there are a couple of issues:
There is a little row just below the menu icons. It is not resizable (vertically). I could recognize no information/explanation for its purpose in the Help, but I think perhaps it is a "filter" of sorts.
On my high-DPI display there is a tiny checkbox (enable/disable?) and a pair of left/right arrows with a number in between for switching between what appears to be an unlimited number of choices (a couple of samples are provided), so perhaps some favorite filters can be preset and chosen there.
I wish that row were bigger as it is somewhat hard to precisely click on those tiny arrows or the checkbox. I had hoped I could drag the divider down so as to (hopefully) increase the icon and perhaps font sizes; however, it is a fixed size.
The other issue is with the Help > Help itself. When launched, the resulting CHM file is displayed by Windows' own "hh.exe" which is apparently not high-DPI aware (duh). Although the text is readable, the resulting images of screenshots are displayed very small on a high-DPI display.
Since there is no "Compatibility" tab presented (for making display adjustments) for the "Properties" of hh.exe in its default location (C:\Windows\hh.exe), I found a workaround:
Basically, you copy hh.exe from C:\Windows to another non-system folder (I put my copy in the same folder as the CHM file)
C:\Program Files (x86)\MyLanViewer\Help\hh.exe
...adjust that file's "Properties" to accomodate the high-DPI display for that copy (the "Compatibility" tab will be available for the copy);
...then create a shortcut (say, in the Start Menu) such that manually launching MyLanViewer Help via the shortcut uses the "doctored" hh.exe to open the CHM file:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\MyLanViewer\Help\hh.exe" C:\Program Files (x86)\MyLanViewer\Help\MyLanViewer.chm
Here's where I found the info:
Hope this helps.
The nicest thing FOR ME about MyLanViewer Network/IP Scanner 4.21.0 is that I can assign a ( free ) Teamviewer function to a right-click menu, so that when pointing at a computer on my network within this program, I could immediately open remote control ( for me, using free Teamviewer ).
MyLanViewer Network/IP Scanner 4.21.0 is MORE than just another local IP lister, considering that it has more automatic, more intelligent features and benefits than just "merely" listing network resources.
THAT's the way to program - kudos, Sergei Korobov, thanks, excellent work.
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Suggestions for improvement:
- list results in sortable columns, I prefer to see a list in order of computer name, and sometimes I toggle between sorting by IP and sorting by computer name ( in free Advanced IP Scanner, for example ) in order to find what I am looking for, such as "manufacturer" puts my Amazon or Apple devices together in view, and so on,
- add pop-up hints to icons so we know what might happen if we click on an icon that has no words on it, also, just let us display words under program control icons,
- add right-click information to everything in view ( icons, control toolbars, and so on )
- when clicking [ + ] on any network resource, let us see what we'd prefer to see, such as, for me, I want to see network shares being offered,
- expand the program ( or create yet another program ) to include wireless SSID discovery AND history so I can see ANY network in my area, let me log in, AND keep a history of it, and all it's resources,
- make histories either work live in the program ( a "history" tab the way spreadsheet programs let us load tabs of different spreadsheets), or at least exportable as spreadsheets, so we can search, sort, and select anything discovered ... this is important for many reasons ... personally, I use one laptop in two locations, and want to know what the layout is differently in each location so I can better continue to make each location fully function, compatible, identical, seamlessly integrated for visitors ... professionally, I want an inventory of all my customer's networks so I can review what should be there, plan my remote support sessions, and know what to expect,
- saving to a txt file makes an 0 byte file or list nothing but headers.
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Alternatives: free Advanced IP Scanner lists and has a great deal of information, including immediately listing network shares at each network computer, and we can immediately double click to open any network resource in Windows File Explorer, we can print an inventory list that included network shares, and the program links to their own not-free remote control program, but has no way ( that I can find ) of adding menu options for creating an immediate access to the action of your choice when pointing to a network resource.
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Thanks, I look forward to v5!
How to activate it ? The activatee.exe and activate.gcd don't work !
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