Chaque jour, nous vous offrons des logiciels sous licence GRATUITS que vous devriez autrement payer!
L'offre gratuite du jour pour onlineTV 14 Plus était valable le 17 janvier 2019!
Regardez toutes les chaînes nationales et internationales en direct! La télévision en ligne enregistre vos émissions préférées afin que vous les partagiez avec vos amis et votre famille, ou que vous regardiez pendant votre temps libre. Ajoutez autant de médias que vous le souhaitez: journaux, chaînes de télévision, nouvelles stations de radio. Trouvez-les directement dans votre playlist.
Windows 7/ 8/ 10 (x32/x64); no Android support in this version
55.4 MB
Pretty underwhelmed to be honest. It works but speaking only of UK channels, there are only a couple for the BBC and ITV channel's available which are also easily available online elsewhere along with more additional channels.
Tried the recording option which didn't work and even if it had, it doesn't have a pre-programmable option which sort of defeats the object given the international time differences, meaning I would have to manually click record at 4am to record something at 9pm
Uninstalled, sorry .
This software is completely worthless, it pulls TV Show which are already free online and broadcasts through their software.
Had the earlier version of this before. Decent enough, good too reasonable quality channels. Would have liked to see Australian/Canadian too. For once though a good offering from gotd. Just make sure you refuse software updates or it will revert to a paid version. Which is what happened to me last time.
Fewer US stations than PlutoTV (which is free), and NO local stations. Uninstalling.
I eventually got a registration code. Three tries with my primary address. That didn't work Wherever the jam might be it's upstream from me. Two tries from a secondary addy and the second took.
I found the interface cluttery and, frankly, mysterious. The iOS style tiny, tiny little dots for minimizing and close were most irritating. I don't really want to set my mouse slow and sloppy like an apple touchpad. By clicking around a lot I found a lot of things I might want to see - if I could read German and know what I was clicking on.
Other posts have declared that everything is available from other sources. That may be well and good if I know what "everything" was. With this software, I found Greek MTV. OK, I might have found that on my own if I had known that such a thing might exist. Lots of stuff under "Television," "Livestreams," and "Media library." Good aggregations. BUT, the extensive lists were mostly in German and random clicking brought up ten useless things for one interesting to me. If I could read German I could drill right to the interesting stuff. I gave up trying. Newspapers - I only tried the Chicago Tribune and loading time was agonizing as were the "subscribe or die" nags.
I put the NBC Today Show on. And also brought it up with Sling. Sling was at least 30 seconds behind or so it seemed to me - I didn't dig out a watch. The commercials were totally different. Before bringing up Sling I thought the onlineTV 14 picture was fine. Nope. Sling was a much higher resolution despite using onlineTV 14 settings to force high resolution. I have a gigabyte connection (at the router) so running both streams was no issue. The onlineTV 14 picture was muddy. Full screen was muddy and soft. Sound was fine, but my ears aren't as good as they were fifty years ago!
I made the mistake of putting onlineTV 14 in full-screen mode. There might be a way to get out of it, but not one that worked using the various keystrokes and clicks that other programs use. I had to resort to ALT/SHIFT/DEL.
So - I haven't removed the service. If I find that I don't play with it again I'll take it off in a month.
Ce logiciel semblait prometteur mais hélas il y a trop peu de chaines françaises.
Néanmoins j’apprécie la possibilité de pouvoir enregistrer ce que l'on regarde.
L'alternative s'appelle molotov tv (PC et Android) mais qui n'offre pas la possibilité d'enregistrer ce que l'on regarde hélas...
Merci quand même pour les nombreux logiciels que vous proposez.
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j'ignore quel débit de connexion vous possédez, pour ma part à 2 méga (les bons jours) la TV d'orange par internet comprise dans mon forfait ne passe pas. Alors je ne pense pas que celle-ci fera mieux
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liste des chaines dispo pour la france avec cette version :
6ter (mais ça marche pas)
arte france (ok)
BFM Sport (marche pas , charge dans le vide)
euronews france (ok)
france 2 (ok)
france 24 (ok)
france 3 (ok)
francophonie 24 (ok)
l'equipe 21 (ok)
la chaine normande (marche pas , erreur)
RMC decouverte (j'ai un doute que ce soit vraiment cette chaine , le programme ne correspond pas surment france 24)
TF1 (ok)
w9 tv (marche pas erreur)
weo tv (erreur)
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Pour info il y a pas de desinstalateur pour le programme (en raccourcis ou dans le menu d'ajout suppression de programme de windows)
Pour l'enregistrement du programme obligation de souscrire a la newsletter.
Perso je supprime ce programme.
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SI, il y a un désinstallateur qui se trouve :
\concept design\onlineTV 13\unins000.exe
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Je ne sais pas encore si je vais installer cette version.
Mais celle-ci :
"Offre gratuite du jour pour onlineTV 13 était valable le 20 mars 2018" fonctionne toujours parfaitement sur mon PC et me permets de regarder (SANS VPN) tranquillement - depuis la TURQUİE - :
TF1 - FRANCE 2 - FRANCE 3 - ARTE (France)
Evidemment, ce qui est intéressant dans cette nouvelle version, c'est l'ajout de chaînes belges... A voir, je me tâte et peut-être que j'installerai la version 14 tout à l'heure ???
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Et bien :
- Désinstallation v.13 - OK
- Installation et enregistrement v.14 - OK
- Mais je suis déçu quand même car - apparemment - au moins sur PC il n'y a rien de nouveau dans v.14 relativementt à v.13
Ceci dit, la réception est toujours d'excellente qualité !
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Pour les chaînes belges rien d'intéressant.
En tant que belge, 3 inconnues et qui ne fonctionnent pas: Evenaar, TVL et TVO
La dernière Bel RTL n'est qu'une chaîne de radio/télé...
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