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Registry Defragmentation 9.1 Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Registry Defragmentation 9.1

Registry Defragmentation est un petit utilitaire qui promet des améliorations monstre en performance informatique.
$11.95 EXPIRÉ
Note des utilisateurs: 289 7 commentaires

L'offre gratuite du jour pour Registry Defragmentation 9.1 était valable le 25 août 2009!

Offre gratuite du jour
GRATUIT aujourd’hui
10 wonderful fonts with a unique, detailed and handmade look.

Registry Defragmentation est un petit utilitaire qui promet des améliorations monstre en performance informatique. Cette application défragmente physiquement le registre Windows pour lui donner une structure linéaire convenable. C'est un outil absolument essentiel pour tous ceux qui installent/désinstallent des applications fréquemment.

"Registry Defragmentation" défragmente physiquement le registre Windows. Après défragmentation, le registre prendra une structure linéaire qui réduira le temps de réponse des applications et d'accès au registre. Registry Defragmentation enlève aussi les entrées inutilisées, rendant le registre encore plus léger. Ne vous inquiétez pas si parfois, après la défragmentation, le registre s'allège seulement par 1-5%, l'important n'étant pas la taille mais la structure linéaire et le temps d'accès.

Configuration minimale:

Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003 and Vista


Elcor Software

Page web:

Taille du fichier:

3.37 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Developed by Informer Technologies, Inc.
Developed by Garmin Ltd or its subsidiaries
Developed by Disc Soft Ltd.
Developed by 3DP

Commentaires sur Registry Defragmentation 9.1

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@ fait (commentaire 4)

Tu es souple...!!

Réponse   |   Armateurr  –  15 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (0)

Désolé de ne pouvoir éditer mon message précédent.
Mais je voulais quand même remercier GAOTD pour un programme que j'ai eu par leur intermédiaire et qui me sert tout les jours pour différents test ainsi que pour sécuriser mon pc:

Merci pour ce super programme.

Réponse   |   Lim-Dûl le Nécromancien  –  15 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (0)


Je ne cherche pas a dénigrer ce logiciel ni le travail de GAOTD.

Encore un logiciel "miracle" se ventant de transformer votre PC vieux de 5ans sans formatage et réinstallation de windows ni entretien en super bête de course.

Et je ne veut pas non plus forcer les gents a utiliser des logiciels que d'autres peuvent proposer, ni dire que ma solution est meilleur que selle des autres.
Encore une fois les fonctions proposées par ce logiciel sont disponible dans un pack de logiciel nommé "LiberKey".
C'est une compilation gratuite sans limite de temps, "sans installation" (dans le sens où rien dans le registre ou les fichiers partagés n'est écrit) et donc "mobile" (décompressez le pack sur une clef usb et vous pourrez l'utiliser partout où vous voulez).
Les programme proposés sont soit libre (type GPL) soit gratuit (avec autorisation de diffusion).

Franchement je vous conseil ne serai-ce que de tester cette compilation. (site et forum d'entre-aide en français)

Réponse   |   Lim-Dûl le Nécromancien  –  15 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (0)

Attention Attention Attention

Depuis quelques jours, dans les installateurs GAOTD se trouve le soft « Software Informer » à ne surtout pas installer, lisez bien entre les lignes.

Si vous l'installer, il va mettre à jour vos prog GAOTD, est donc fini la version gratuite valable dans le temps, votre version ne sera valable que quelques jours, pour vous inciter à acheter des licences.

Non seulement, Gaotd propose de moins en moins de super logiciel, mais en plus il reprend ses versions "soit disant gratuite"

Je préférais Gaotd il y a plus d'un an, quand les internautes pouvaientt dialoguer en live, malgré les abus, en plus des fois on rigolait bien, hein la dinde, mdr

Maintenant nous sommes sous l'oeil de big brother, et en plus c'est devenu une arnaque.

C'est triste

Si ce commentaire passe, je m'en mord une

Réponse   |   fait  –  15 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (0)

Dommage, des gratuits, y'en a une tonne.

Réponse   |   Avanti  –  15 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (0)

Bon petit programme a premiere vue, telecharger et installer sans soucis ;)

Merci Giveaway of the Day

Réponse   |   Max  –  15 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (0)

bjr :-)

installation nickel
essai nickel
resultat nickel
c l'un d meilleurs ke g utilisé à ce jour ;-)
j'espere ke dans 1 semaine ou 1 mois il me donnera les meme résultat 71% de defrag

dossier téléchager nicole creme aussi :lol:

Réponse   |   mich  –  15 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (0)
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Top commentaires en anglais

The Good
* Easy to use.
* Works quickly.
* Can backup and restore registry.
* In-house ability to create and use System Restore points.
* Has a scheduler to allow you to automate tasks.
* Did not mess up my computer after a defrag.

The Bad
* No "analysis" report prior to actual defragmentation.
* Does not warn you to close all programs before you defrag.
* Scheduler is set to run automatically at boot by default.
* Registry backup files are not self-executing (you must have a program that supports the backup format to restore your registry).
* Opens a website in your browser advertising another product during installation.
* Mentions it is for "95-XP" some places and "XP-Vista" other places.

Free Alternatives
TuneUp Utilities 2008 ("TuneUp Registry Defrag" module)

For final verdict, recommdendations, and full review please click here.

Ashraf  –  15 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+219)

Since the website says next to nothing, I read Ashraf's review. I'm giving the same advice I give for most tools which mess with the registry--stay far away from them.

The registry is a specialized database which Windows uses, primarily for Windows and program settings, but applications have been known to put all kinds of stuff in the registry which they aren't supposed to. It's the absolute worst idea which Microsoft ever came up with, apart from Windows itself. The idiots at Microsoft claim that the common database was supposed to provide for ownership and access control, but it fails miserably at both of those. Don't believe me? If there's access control, why are applications allowed to screw up critical registry entries for Windows and other applications? If there's ownership, why does uninstalling programs leave tons of their crap behind in the registry? The whole thing's a fiasco. The issue of ease of application portability (or lack thereof) is actually a very minor issue compared to the rest.

Based on what Registry Defragmentation 9.1 says it does and what Ashraf's review says it does, its documentation is extremely misleading. The registry consists of files, the physical fragmentation of those files is one thing. The registry is a database, the internal structure and fragmentation of the database entries within the physical files is another matter. It's primarily the second issue which Registry Defragmentation addresses, although it implies the first.

I don't care that some people will claim that they've "been using registry tools since they were knee-high and never had a problem". It's an extremely simple matter to determine that the registry is constantly in-use. While there are tools which will track all registry access, both reads and writes, what's relevant are actual changes over time. There are a number of registry snapshot tools, I use a licensed copy of Blue Project SysTracer Pro, an earlier version of which was a previous giveaway. If you take two snapshots over a couple of minutes and compare them, you'll see that all sorts of stuff has changed. Trying to terminate running applications is insufficient. Any utility which modifies the registry as a whole while Windows is running is going to mess stuff up, whether you notice it or not. Such utilities, if used, must be run prior to Windows boot, which Registry Defragmentation 9.1 doesn't do.

There are the issues about whether internal or external registry defragmentation should be done at all. The big-name disk defragmenters (Raxco PerfectDisk, Diskeeper, O&O Defrag, etc.) are all capable of handling the physical defragmentation of the registry and other system files safely. I doubt that they do the internal defragmentation of the database structure, but it's unnecessary, as Windows (at least XP and higher) will handle that automatically as-needed. Unlike Registry Defragmentation 9.1, there are other utilities which will do the internal database defragmentation prior to Windows boot.

Some people are big fans of registry backups. I'm definitely not a fan of all-or-nothing registry restoration, it's guaranteed to screw things up whether you notice or not (again, do traces on a running system and see how much changes, and how rapidly, and don't forget files and the registry have to be kept synchronized). Moderately safe things to do include System Restore (XP and higher), and when desperate, Use Last Known Good Configuration. I do occasional "backups" via SysTracer snapshots. Those let me examine what's changed and specifically select the individual items which I want to restore.

Fubar  –  15 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+168)

- "Registry Defragmentation is a small utility that does gigantic improvements in computer performance"

Yah, just run it 10 times and presto - your computer is 10 times faster. What a load of rubbish!

The facts are : Most registry optimization programs give very minor (if any) performance improvement. Registry operations, after all, are not the most frequent operation. The registry is a database used to store static date that may fragment over time. Most programs when starting-up do look up some values in the registry, and may also store some values when exiting.

The registry may acquire "holes" when deletes are done, as when one uninstalls a program. But it would require a hell of a lot of such operations to unbalance it so that the difference becomes noticeable. Shrinking the size of the registry by x percent doesn't mean at all that performance is improved by x percent, far from it. The improvement from defragmentation is usually measured in nanoseconds and is really unnoticeable and not worth the risk of rendering the computer unbootable. And no reason to do this more than about once a year.

I really dislike companies trying to profit from the non computer savvy and using scarecrow claims that have no validity at all.

Harrym  –  15 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+108)

More everyday free alternatives that never time out:

* Free Registry Defrag (can analyze first):

* NTREGOPT (get ERUNT with it to make a backup first):

Nobody  –  15 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+60)

The Registry is a dark and densely packed shedful of gelignite.

You may wish to walk into it holding a lighted candle in order to see what's on the shelves and how best to tidy 'em.

Whether or not you walk away unscathed is another matter, because the hot wax dripped by your candle may very well trigger a slow burn rather than an instant explosion.

So although the shed is still intact after your visit, and all your poking around / tidying of its contents, that's actually no guarantee at all: it could blow up in your face some time afterwards.

Though today's ultra-hyped software offering assaults the intelligence with claims of 'gigantic improvements' -- gigantic? What's that then, a factor of 10? 100? 1,000? -- it's ultimately no different to any other app ever marketed: the user must trust in the skill of the creator and hope that there aren't hidden flaws in the build.

Doing that with the non-critical may, just, be OK. But trusting to luck with something as critical as the computer's registry is faith at its most blind.

Reassurance does of course exist where an app has been around a long time -- for example, the freeware optimiser NTREGOPT, as notable for the way it shuns commercial hype as the way it has evolved and been refined thanks to feedback from users worldwide.

Similar reassurance also exists in the form of Revo Uninstaller, which does a great job in cleaning up Registry detritus after every uninstall anyway.

Today's software also seeks to provide that same reassurance too -- yet I don't know what happened to all the preceding versions, even though by implication there must've been a heck of a lot for this ever to have reached the status of build number v9.1.

Nor is it clear why, after all those successive builds, this software continues to be entirely incapable of reporting on the 'state' of the Registry before it even gets to work on it.

Doesn't it know? Can't it tell?

It certainly should, because only a fool consents to surgery without advance diagnosis.

Thanks, then, GOTD, but where today's software is concerned, a definite no thanks.

Whatever version it truly happens to be.

MikeR  –  15 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+40)

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