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Star Wars 3D Screensaver Giveaway

Giveaway of the day — Star Wars 3D Screensaver

Vous apprécierez les graphismes incroyables et le cadre spatial enchanteur agrémentés d'effets spéciaux fascinants de Star Wars 3D Screensaver.
$9.95 EXPIRÉ
Note des utilisateurs: 253 3 commentaires

L'offre gratuite du jour pour Star Wars 3D Screensaver était valable le 10 février 2013!

Offre gratuite du jour
GRATUIT aujourd’hui
1AVCenter is a complete audio video center.

Téléchargez cet écran de veille en 3D et transformer votre écran en une passerelle de téléportation vers la mystérieuse galaxie de la guerre des étoiles. Vous apprécierez les graphismes incroyables et le cadre spatial enchanteur agrémentés d'effets spéciaux fascinants.

Fonctionnalités :

  • Environnement complet en 3D.
  • Graphismes colorés photoréalistes.
  • Une grande variété de scènes spatiales fascinantes.
  • Des stations spatiales imposantes et puissantes, des star destroyers, des vaisseaux de combats, des croiseurs, etc.
  • Musique spatiale relaxante.
  • Horloge numérique.
  • Compteur FPS.
  • Le véritable esprit de Star Wars !
  • Des galaxies, des stars et des nébuleuses lointaines mystérieuses.

Configuration minimale:

Windows 9x/2000/XP/Vista; Pentium II or higher; OpenGL-compatible video card; 32 MB Video Memory


Astro Gemini Software

Page web:

Taille du fichier:

18.4 MB



GIVEAWAY download basket

Bring back the Start button and menu to Windows 8.
Developed by Microsoft
Developed by Stardock Corporation
Developed by Repkasoft

Commentaires sur Star Wars 3D Screensaver

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Thank you for your useful informative article. I feel I’ve come away a little smarter and more open-minded by reading your article. I am saving your article to my favorites to show to my family.

Réponse   |   best prom dresses under $100  –  11 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (0)

Bon! un écran de veille ? Un écran bleu de la mort ? non?

Réponse   |   David  –  12 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (0)

Ca, c'est GOTD !
De très bons logiciels, et de temps en temps des âneries... comme aujourd'hui.

Réponse   |   Norolo  –  12 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (0)
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Top commentaires en anglais

Can you please quit putting up screensavers from Astro-Gemini.

Firstly it installs without your knowledge crapware, which is easy to uninstall, however I should have prior knowledge.

Secondly, non of them work on any flava of windows 7.

Windows 7 has been out over 2 years, they should have sorted this out
by now.

I really wanted this screensaver to work, preview looks good, however it don't work.

I am one cheesed off Geek now!

The Major  –  12 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+136)

I'd consider downloading this, just to satisfy the Star Wars geek inside of me.
But why, when you are giving away a screesaver, would you not provide some pictures so we could actually SEE whether we would like it or not.

AUS_Doug  –  12 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+116)

#1: I have installed Astro-Gemini screensavers from GAOTD ever since I discovered it. I have Windows 7 64-bit. They all work. Okay, screensavers aren't for everyone, but that's the beauty of this site, you pick what you want, and you don't necessarily give a thumbs-down to everything else.

Peter  –  12 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+64)

I installed this with my Wondershare Time Share active. I merely have to reload my computer and everything I install will be gone. This screensaver itself is nice. I liked it. What I did not like was the toolbar it offered to install. Granted, it was easy to see and easy to opt out of. Even more disturbing was the item that was attempted to be placed in my startup items. I am not sure what part of a screensaver would require it to be started each and every time Windows loads. Luckily Advir blocked it. All in all, I appreciate the offer and in no means am I an anti-screensaver guy. But because of the tool bar and the unneeded start up item, I will reboot and bid this farewell. Thank you GOTD team for your efforts and thank you Astro Gemini Software for your offer. But please clean out your "extras".

dadams  –  12 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+51)

Having looked at the screen shots on their site, how can they call this a Star Wars screen saver?

The three examples shown, which are very poor quality, seem to be a copied from Star Trek & Babylon 5.

Waste of time even bothering with the download.

Peter Holgate  –  12 years ago  –  Avez-vous trouver ce commentaire utile ? oui | non (+47)

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