Chaque jour, nous vous offrons des logiciels sous licence GRATUITS que vous devriez autrement payer!
L'offre gratuite du jour pour Ultima Steganography 1.7 était valable le 15 avril 2013!
Ultima Steganography est un logiciel de stéganographie extrêmement facile à utiliser pour Windows. Grâce à ce programme, vous pouvez facilement crypter certains fichiers et les dissimuler dans une image. Une fois le fichier caché, l'image enregistrée reste, se charge et ressemble à l'image dans son état d'origine. La seule différence est qu'elle contient le fichier dissimulé.
La sécurité et l'intégrité des fichiers constituent actuellement les problèmes les plus importants dans le monde des technologies de l'information. Conservez vos données en sécurité grâce à l'aide de Ultima Steganography.
Windows 2000/ XP and higher
11.6 MB
Yes, this GAOTD does its dirty job pretty well but can hide files only behind IMAGES and above all it cannot hide multiple files inside one single carrier.
Not a great deal for a 24 $ app, is it??
So what if you could hide for FREE your important files not only in JPEG images but also in Mp3, FLV and even into executable files (exe, msi), rather than protecting them with a password?? (not for noobs)
Want to protect for FREE your files & folders residing in your USB drives, network servers, CD/DVDs and even iPods like a PRO, instead of behind them behind an Image??
And what if there was a FREE tool out there able to not only encrypt your files on a USB drive, but also to organize them in several categories automatically (My Pictures, My Videos, My Music, My Documents, My Archives, My Software, My Other Files etc...) ?
Too good to be true, right?? Wrong!!!
And how about encrypt confidential TEXT in your (email) messages and even your EMAIL ATTACHMENTS for FREE or create secure encrypted archives ready to be sent via email to your friends ??
OK!! You love the CLOUD (Dropbox, SkyDrive, Google Drive, Mozy etc..) and/or are eager to share your files & folder with other via email, USB, LAN, P2P etc.... but at the same time you are scared by the idea that some snoopers out there may be able to capture your TCP/IP packets with professional packet sniffers like Wireshark??
Relax baby...relax!!
And finally, for a more comprehensive encrypting software, besides Truecrypt and Axcrypt, just give this cool FREE & PORTABLE Italian app a shot, kissing any "Brute Force" attacks goodbye for good:
My 0.00002 cents for today's giveaway....
*Hide any file inside an image file, with hidden files being unaccessibly without your password
*Carriers/containers (the files that hold hidden files) act and behave like normal files
*Allows users to insert an optional file description for carrier files
*Is limited to image files as carriers/containers
*Program window cannot be resized or minimized, only closed
Free Alternatives
Review of best free steganography program for Windows
Final Verdict
Click here for final verdict and full review
I'm sorry, I listed "Portable" in my short review above. I'm not sure what I was thinking -- must of had a brain fart -- because this isn't a portable program. You need to installi t.
I had version 1.6 from an earlier giveaway. I installed this new version in the same folder. The installation was smooth and easy. There was no need to enter the key information found in the readme file. The program was still registered. For those that do not already have this, you will need to enter the key information.
I am not an expert on this type of software and I will not pretend to be. I can say I have used this to hide small files and it has worked effectively. I would think for larger files this may be limited. I mean how can someone look at an image file that is several MB's in size and not wonder what is up with it? I would think larger files would require some other sort of encryption.
Thank you GOTD team for all of your hard work. Thank you Enplase Research for your gift.
I was thinking, I guess like #8, Alia, that you could use this to hide copyright info inside the picture. So later when some bozo posts YOUR picture after having removed the watermark, it would still contain the file with YOUR copyright info. But I'm not sure if the program CAN be used like this. If it can, I can certainly see uses for it.
Franchement, le logiciel a déja été proposé et en plus, il marque un message en haut a gauche de l'image qui dit qu'il y a un fichier caché dans l'image.De plus, l'éditeur l'a largement limité !
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franchament vous etes de plus en plus lamentables. ce logiciel de stegano est très limité par le fournisseur. Autant télécharger la version d'essai qu'ils mettent à disposition.
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